[How to write a review]

When you log in to the FreeINTERNATIONAL Store as a member,
You can post a review.
Please proceed to the submission form by clicking the "Write a review" button at the bottom of the product details page of the product you purchased.

【please note】

*You can post a review by registering and logging in to the FreeINTERNATIONAL Store.

*You can post a review once for each product you purchase.

*After submitting a review, it may take some time for it to be posted on the page. After checking your purchase history, we will post the page and award you points.

*If we cannot confirm the purchase history of the posting account, or if it is determined to be inappropriate, such as harming the rights, profits, or reputation of others, or violating laws, we may not be able to post it.
Additionally, reviews that cannot be published will not be eligible for the campaign. Please note.

*Reviews submitted may be posted on mail order sites, SNS, etc.

*The number in parentheses next to the nickname indicates the number of reviews for the product on the FreeINTERNATIONAL Store that have been submitted using the same account and nickname.

*Reviews can only be posted for products currently available on the FreeINTERNATIONAL Store. Due to sold out items or other reasons, the product page may become private, and the numbers in parentheses and the products for which you can post reviews may change. Thank you for your understanding.

*Reused products, happy bags, sample items, and lucky bags are not eligible for review.

*If your submission falls under any of the following, we may not be able to publish it. In that case, you will not be eligible for the campaign. Please note.

・Your account cannot confirm your purchase history (only purchases made at directly managed stores are eligible)

・Impressions from trying it on at the store and before purchase (before the product is shipped)

・Contents unrelated to product reviews

・Things that damage the rights, interests, honor, etc. of others or violate laws and regulations

・Other items deemed inappropriate by the administrator
